So I am posting my own little story because it relates to yours. https://strawbridgeideas.substack.com/p/men-and-medievalism

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You wrote it! And shared it!

I feel like it's gonna take me a minute to register and digest all the points here ha, but a lot of it resonated with conversations I've had with men and women in my life, for different reasons.

Some of it I think feels a bit confronting to me, but in a good way to get the cogs turning about what it really means to have feminist principles - totally agree with your point on equal opportunities of course.

But well done for getting your thoughts down and out there :)

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Ha ha! Thank you Lauren 💛

It's a relief to get it out there finally... and guess what, hardly anyone noticed anyway! 😆

I was a bit blunt with some of it, but I like to write how I would speak... and like you say, it gets people thinking, which is never a bad thing 👍 That's interesting that it resonated with men and women that you have spoken to.

Anyway, thank you for reading it all the way through, it was a loooong one! 🥱🤣

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