Loved reading this update and getting a glimpse into everything and excited for what is to come. And thank you once again for the most generous shout out! 🥰🥰🥰

What are we can doing next?

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Aw, you're very welcome 🥰 ❤️

Next, we need to get eyes 👀 on my Great Little Author Services publication: https://greatlittleservices.substack.com/

Your "ways to work with me" recipe has been awesome! People can find that here: https://hypeyourself.substack.com/p/weekly-pr-recipe-selling-audience-work-with-me

My "Ways To Work With Me" blurb is here: https://greatlittleservices.substack.com/about

My Detailed Price List is here: https://greatlittleservices.substack.com/p/price-list?r=3auokt

📣 A little 'Hype'... I'm celebrating working with my first two clients from right here on Substack! Yay! 🎉👏

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Eva - I am so happy you are back and writing again. I loved this update and your photos. I am looking forward to what's to come for you! Thank you for the shout out and for introducing me to Letters From Therapy and Kate Harvey! I am very grateful.

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That’s the best birthday card ever! What a great life update 🫶🏼

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