Well, f*ck me - I'm a poet!
Daring greatly... to share a few of my recent poems with you lovely lot 😆
For this piece I wanted to share a couple of my recent poems with you and explain a little of the background behind them, and what drove me to write them and why.
I was inspired to write by the wonderful
who provided a one word prompt each day during her ‘Tiny Spring Poems’ challenge throughout April. So, why share now? - Well, after a few weeks of hesitating and feeling doubtful as to whether I even have any talent in the poetry department, I was inspired to share my words by the lovely - who fearlessly shares her words so freely and openly here on Substack - I thought why not just go for it.The first of my little poems is called “Things” and came about when I was prompted to write about the ‘things’ in my life… here is what came out…
Things - by Eva Lydon
So many things…
Things can distress me if there are too many
but I fear life would be dull without any
Some bring much joy and some make us sigh
as we trip on them where they are stacked up too high
Pieces of Lego that have been randomly put
can inflict a surprising amount of pain under-foot
Some are precious or have much meaning
and must be cared for with great feeling
Isn’t it funny how a ‘thing’ can spark such feelings
yet on their own, they are just objects of dreamings
Pieces of matter moulded into an arrangement
created by humans, to be of use or entertainment
Then there are the things that were here before
trees, mountains, lakes, volcanos and more
Things that exist purely and with perfection
with absolutely no human “correction”
Things that have existed for longer than we can imagine
Leaving us wondering – how did such beauty just happen
These are the things that, to me, bring one feeling
that of peace, tranquillity and healing
Ok, that was three
Woops silly me
The point about nature I am trying to bring
Is that it is unmatched by any other ‘THING’
I hope you liked my little poem - please do let me know by clicking the ❤️ below, it means such a lot to me.
Next is a fun little one that I quite liked called “What If” - which was inspired by another of Beth Kempton’s prompts, which was simply “If”. I must have had a lot of anxiety and worries running through my head that day. Anyway, here it is…
What If - by Eva Lydon
What if…
I just didn’t worry about x, y and z
I could be free from all these thoughts in my head
What if…
They could flee like a speeding train
Be gone for good and free up my brain
Last but not least, is a poem I wrote when I was going through a particularly difficult time with a friend (a very good friend actually). I was feeling very let down by her and unfortunately, shortly after I wrote this, our friendship ended 😔
I would like to take this opportunity to remind you that if you have a friend in your life who is actually not treating you well and/or takes you for granted, it is important to acknowledge and remember that you deserve good friends that appreciate you and treat you right. If you have been friends with someone for a long time, but that friendship is costing you more pain and turmoil than it is worth. You CAN get out - just as you would end a relationship with a partner who wasn’t treating you right - you can end a friendship too. It is sad and seems harsh, but I have spent too many years building up my inner strength and self-worth just to have it stripped away bit by bit in a toxic, unhealthy friendship.
Layered - by Eva Lydon
Layered are the feelings I have for you
Layered are the emotions that come with them too
Pushing them down, making them small
Hiding them under layer upon layer
Deep in my core… “safe” but from who?
Such are these feelings that I have for you
I remember when I wrote this I was feeling very hurt and angry, but also sad and disappointed about the potential loss of friendship - hence the layers. It could be a love or a hate poem, don’t you think?
Anyway, that’s it from me for now. I hope you’ve all been enjoying the beautiful weather that is finally here! 😎 We had a little time away in Cornwall recently, so I wanted to end today with a photo I took that I think really captured the beauty of where we were. Bye for now and please remember like and share 😊
This was essay no.2 of
24 Essays Club
Love these x
Beautiful poems Eva, they all resonate ❤️