Hi all!
I’m sort of back, but not properly just quite yet. Let me explain…
Whilst I’ve mostly been re-charging and pressing pause on my Substack presence, I have also been (slowly and gently) tinkering away on my new little Substack business venture - Great Little Services - Offering useful products and services to fellow Substack writers. Or indeed anyone who needs them!
(Please forgive me if you have already seen me shouting about this elsewhere, but I wanted to make sure everybody hears about the fabulous introductory offers that will be available for a limited time only.)
Basically, I have a few hidden talents and although writing is my true passion, we all know that doesn’t make us a lot of money. So, I thought I would build a little place (or should I say a ‘great little’ place) where I can offer my amazing talents to you lovely lot! 😉
So, I am now the proud founder and owner of a limited company - an umbrella company, I believe they call it… where all of my ‘great little’ ideas will be trading from. Can anyone guess what it’s called? Yup… Great Little Company! Genius! 🤣 You can find it HERE if you want to have a nose. 🫣
There will be two different “sections” (if you will) of the company, which I’ve written all about over on the lovely new Substack Publication I’ve created to house these services. They are Design Services and Proofreading & Editing. Head on over and take a look around. 👀😊
Feel free to contact me anytime with any questions or queries, but for now let me just highlight the special offers which are available for a limited time only…
Introductory FREE Proofreading Offer!
I am offering an amazing one-time-only exclusive FREE proofreading service ALL NEW SUBSCRIBERS to Great Little Services (for FREE - no paid subscription needed). In return, I simply ask for you write me a short (or long 😉) testimonial. Provided you are happy with the service of-course.
Yes please… I’m in!
Great! If you’d like to take advantage of this exclusive one-time offer, let me know in the comments, or send me a private DM by clicking the link below. Word limit: 1500 words (give or take a few) - roughly the length of an “average” published piece here on Substack, I would say.
Please Note: You DO NOT have to be a Substack writer to take advantage of this offer… any piece of writing will do 👍
Head straight to my website for more information and prices: Great Little Edits
Exclusive Design Service Offer!
Transparent Backgrounds - It’s a little thing, but it turns out a lot of people haven’t realised that their lovely little Canva designs (page breaks for example) are popping up on their reader’s iPads, tablets, phones and desktops with a white background, that shows up and looks rather silly if someone has their screen set on any other colour than white. Like this…
Yikes! 😬 Which I’m sure you would agree, looks much better like this…
Aaah, that’s better! ☺️ Looks good on any background you see 👍 *
Anyway, in order to make the back transparent, Canva want you to become a paid member, which most people would rather not do, as they only dabble lightly in the world of design. So, I can make all of your not-currently-transparent designs clear for a very reasonable introductory price of “a coffee”!* (A one-time payment of £3)
Yes Please, how do I claim this great offer?
If you’d like to take advantage of this fabulous EXCLUSIVE OFFER, just pop me a message with your email in the comments (or send me a DM) and I’ll be in touch! 👋 Exciting!
*I’ve just realised that if you are indeed reading this on a white background, you will of-course not be able to see the difference between the two examples… ha ha! If you want to see what I’m banging on about, you can have a look HERE on the publication directly.
*This is of-course a virtual “coffee” that you can buy me through the wonderful invention that is “Buy me a Coffee”. You can do just that right HERE any time you fancy it. I would really appreciate it and it really gives me a big boost to continue my work. Thank you muchly! 🙏
Thank you so much for reading and for your continued support 🙏
Loving this. Looks great.